10 tips & recommendations for using ear plugs

Author: EarPros Team

Ear plugs are small, often disposable devices designed to protect the delicate structures of the inner ear from the harmful effects of loud noise.

They are commonly used in a variety of settings, including concerts, construction sites, and factories, where exposure to high levels of noise can cause hearing damage or loss.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand the importance of using ear plugs for hearing protection and noise reduction. Here are our experts' recommendations.

How to use ear plugs?

Ear plugs are a great way to protect your ears from loud noises, whether you're at a concert, working in a loud environment, or trying to sleep in a noisy area. However, it's crucial to know how to properly insert ear plugs to ensure they are effective and comfortable:

  1. Clean your hands: Before inserting ear plugs, it's crucial to make sure your hands are clean to avoid introducing bacteria into your ears. Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
  2. Roll the earplug: Roll the earplug between your fingers to compress it into a small, narrow cylinder. This will make it easier to insert into your ear canal.
  3. Reach over your head: With your opposite hand, reach over your head and gently pull your ear up and back. This will straighten your ear canal and make it easier to insert the earplug.
  4. Insert the earplug: With your other hand, insert the compressed earplug into your ear canal. Gently push it in until it fits snugly in your ear.
  5. Hold the earplug in place: Hold the earplug in place for a few seconds to allow it to expand and fill your ear canal. This will ensure a tight seal and maximum protection.

How to clean ear plugs?

It is crucial to keep ear plugs clean for both hygiene and longevity purposes. In fact, ear plugs are often used in environments where bacteria and other harmful microorganisms can thrive.

When ear plugs are not cleaned regularly, these microorganisms can accumulate on the surface of the ear plugs and cause infections or other health issues.

Additionally, earwax and other debris can accumulate on the ear plugs, reducing their effectiveness and potentially causing discomfort.

The cleaning method for ear plugs depends on the material they are made of. Here are some common cleaning methods for different types of ear plugs:

Foam ear plugs


Foam ear plugs are disposable and should be replaced after each use.

However, if you want to reuse them, you can wipe them with a damp cloth or use a specialized cleaning solution.

Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for any cleaning solution used.

Silicone ear plugs


Silicone ear plugs are reusable and can be cleaned with soap and water.

After washing, rinse them thoroughly and let them air dry.

Do not use any harsh chemicals or cleaning solutions as they can damage the ear plugs.

Wax ear plugs


Wax ear plugs should be wiped with a dry cloth or tissue to remove any debris.

Avoid using water or other liquids as they can damage the ear plugs.

In addition to regular cleaning, there are some tips you can follow to maintain your ear plugs and extend their lifespan:

  1. Store ear plugs in a clean, dry place. Avoid storing them in a humid environment or near heat sources. A small container or pouch can be used to keep them clean and protected.
  2. Replace ear plugs regularly. Foam ear plugs should be replaced after each use, while silicone ear plugs can last for several uses before needing to be replaced. It is essential to replace them when they become dirty, damaged, or lose their shape.
  3. Avoid touching the ear plugs with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before inserting or removing ear plugs. This will prevent any dirt or bacteria from transferring to the ear plugs.

Are ear plugs bad for your ears?

Profile of a man with earache
Ear plugs are generally safe.

However, if the fit is incorrect or the pressure is too high, this can cause discomfort or damage to the ears. If used frequently, they can cause earwax buildup. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Safely use ear plugs

How to choose the right ear plugs?

With so many different types of ear plugs on the market, it can be challenging to know which ones are right for you. In this section, we'll explore the different factors you should consider when choosing the right ear plugs.

1. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)

The Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is a measure of how much noise an earplug can block out. The higher the NRR, the more effective the earplug will be at reducing noise. When choosing ear plugs, it's essential to consider the level of noise you'll be exposed to and choose an NRR that will provide adequate protection.

For example, if you're attending a rock concert, you'll want to choose ear plugs with an NRR of at least 25 decibels (dB) to protect your ears from the loud music. On the other hand, if you're working in a noisy factory, you may need ear plugs with an NRR of 30 dB or higher.

2. Comfort

Comfort is an essential factor to consider when choosing ear plugs. If the ear plugs are uncomfortable, you're less likely to wear them, which can lead to hearing damage. When choosing ear plugs, look for ones that are made from soft, flexible materials that will conform to the shape of your ear. Foam ear plugs are a popular choice because they're soft and comfortable. However, some people find that they're too bulky and can cause discomfort. If you're looking for a more comfortable option, consider silicone ear plugs, which are thinner and more flexible than foam ear plugs.

3. Material

Ear plugs are made from a variety of materials, each with its pros and cons.

Foam ear plugs are affordable and effective at reducing noise, but they're not very durable and need to be replaced often.

Silicone ear plugs are more durable than foam ear plugs and can be reused multiple times, but they're not as effective at blocking out noise.

Another option is custom-molded ear plugs, which are made from a mold of your ear and provide a perfect fit. These ear plugs are more expensive than foam or silicone ear plugs, but they offer superior comfort and noise reduction.

4. Shape and size

The shape and size of ear plugs are essential factors to consider when choosing the right ear plugs.

Ear plugs that are too small won't provide adequate protection, while ear plugs that are too large can cause discomfort and fall out of your ear.

When choosing ear plugs, look for ones that are designed to fit your ear's shape and size, even when it comes to address the need for children ear plugs. Some ear plugs are designed for specific ear shapes, such as small or large ear canals.

It's also essential to choose ear plugs that are easy to insert and remove, as this will make them more comfortable to wear.

5. Intended use

Different ear plugs are designed for different purposes, such as sleeping, swimming, or attending concerts.

For example, if you're looking for ear plugs to wear while sleeping, you'll want to choose ones that are comfortable and won't fall out of your ear during the night.

On the other hand, if you're looking for ear plugs to wear while swimming, you'll want to choose ones that are waterproof and designed to stay in place while you swim.

Profile of a child with her hands over her ears
Can ear plugs cause ear infection?

Ear plugs can cause ear infections if they are not cleaned properly or if they are worn for too long. Bacteria can build up on the ear plugs and cause an infection. Clean ear plugs regularly and replace them every few months to avoid ear infections.

Find out more on ear infection

Where to buy ear plugs?

Ear plugs are available for purchase in many different locations. Most drugstores, pharmacies, and online retailers carry a variety of earplug brands. A quick online search should yield plenty of options, while local stores often carry them as well.

Additionally, many audiologists and hearing aid clinics sell custom-made ear plugs that are designed to address specific hearing concerns.

Can ear plugs cause tinnitus?

Yes, wearing ear plugs can potentially cause tinnitus. The sound of the plugs can cause vibrations and ringing in the ears, especially when used on a regular basis. Keeping the ear plugs in for a long period of time can irritate the inside of the ear and also cause the sound of tinnitus.

In some cases, the sound may worsen and persist even after removing the ear plugs. It is therefore important to use ear plugs only when necessary and to make sure the fit is correct and the pressure is not too high.

Is it safe to sleep with ear plugs?

Yes, ear plugs can be worn while sleeping to block out noise and promote better sleep. However, it is important to use ear plugs that are comfortable and do not cause discomfort or irritation. Additionally, it is important to take breaks from wearing ear plugs to allow your ears to rest.

Can ear plugs be reused?

Yes, ear plugs can be reused, but it is important to clean them properly to avoid the buildup of bacteria. It is recommended to clean ear plugs after each use with soap and water or a specialized cleaning solution. Additionally, ear plugs should be replaced every few months to ensure they are still effective.

How long can I wear ear plugs for?

It is recommended to wear ear plugs for no more than 8 hours a day. They can be worn for several hours at a time, but it is important to take breaks to allow your ears to rest. Prolonged use of ear plugs can cause discomfort, irritation, and even ear infections. 

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