Waking up with ringing in ears: causes and treatments

Tinnitus is characterised by persistent sounds such as ringing, buzzing, or whistling in the ears, often lasting throughout the day. A continuous ringing sound in one or both ears is commonly reported, especially upon waking up in the morning. This can come with dizziness upon awakening. Comprehending the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for tinnitus in the morning is crucial. If you wake up dizzy with ringing ears, keep reading for tips and details.

Why do my ears ring when i wake up?

Experiencing ear ringing in the morning can be troubling. Knowing about tinnitus symptoms and the body's morning response is essential to understand this phenomenon.

Tinnitus manifests differently in individuals, often as ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds. Various factors may accentuate these sounds in the morning. If you're asking yourself why your ears are ringing in the morning, here are a few answers:

  1. Sleep-Wake Cycle: The transition from sleep to wakefulness enhances the alertness of the auditory system, making tinnitus more prominent in the mornings.
  2. Psychological State: Stress and anxiety, often influenced by hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, can alter the perception of tinnitus. Stress levels might increase upon waking due to thoughts about daily tasks, thus intensifying tinnitus. Stress-related tinnitus is a well known medical issue.
  3. Dehydration: Dehydration during the night can thicken the fluid in the ears, potentially heightening tinnitus symptoms upon waking.
  4. Medication: Certain medications, known as ototoxic, can exacerbate tinnitus. If tinnitus worsens with such medications, consulting a healthcare professional for alternatives is recommended.
  5. Sleep Positions: Specific positions, such as lying on one side, might raise blood pressure in the ear and worsen tinnitus, although this link is not fully established.
  6. Brain Activity: The brain stays active during sleep, engaged in processes like memory consolidation and emotional regulation, which might heighten sensitivity to internal sounds like tinnitus in the morning.

Waking up with headache and ringing ears: other causes

Tinnitus in the morning is attributable to the fact that the brain, even during sleep, remains active thanks to synapses that enter into play while we are at rest.

Waking up with a headache and ringing ears can be due to various factors:

  1. Earwax Blockage: Excessive earwax can lead to hearing loss or eardrum irritation, potentially causing tinnitus.
  2. Meniere's Disease: This chronic inner ear disorder is often indicated by tinnitus and is accompanied by dizziness and hearing loss.
  3. Acoustic Neuroma: A noncancerous tumor on the cranial nerve, affecting balance and hearing, can result in tinnitus, typically in one ear.
  4. Ototoxic Medications: Certain medications can negatively affect hearing and cause tinnitus.
  5. Loud Noise Exposure: Long-term exposure to loud noises can be harmful to hearing health and lead to tinnitus.
  6.  Pressure Changes: Sudden alterations in pressure can also trigger tinnitus.
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Waking up with tinnitus and ears ringing: how to stop it

Tinnitus Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a beneficial approach for managing waking up with tinnitus. A popular tool is the white noise machine, which produces a sound encompassing all frequencies uniformly, similar to static. This trick to stop tinnitus can help conceal the ringing in your ears, facilitating a more tranquil experience when waking up. The continuous play of calming or natural sounds during the night can assist in the habituation process to tinnitus, lessening its impact in the morning. Studies have shown that sound therapy effectively reduces the loudness of tinnitus for many individuals.

On-Ear Tinnitus Maskers

On-ear maskers, designed to produce sounds that either mask or neutralize the ringing in your ears, can be an effective solution for those waking up with tinnitus. These devices come in various forms, including over-the-ear models, in-ear earbuds, and bone-conduction headphones, allowing for discreet use during morning activities or walks. Specialized sound maskers and trainers are also available for individuals who use hearing aids. According to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf in London, 81% of tinnitus patients have accepted these devices, with the majority experiencing relief without needing additional treatment.


To learn how to overcome anxiety tinnitus, you could consider starting your day with daily morning meditation practices such as guided imagery, body scans, or deep breathing exercises. These can vary in length to suit your schedule. Techniques like equal breathing and deep belly breathing, which involve inhaling and exhaling for equal periods (like five seconds each), are effective. These practices aid in attaining emotional equilibrium, reducing heart rate, and enhancing relaxation, thereby helping to manage anxiety. Meditation can also be a trick to stop tinnitus.

Symptoms of tinnitus in the morning

Many have experienced temporary ear ringing after attending loud events like clubs, concerts, or parties, typically resolving by the next day. However, tinnitus can sometimes last longer.

Tinnitus in the morning manifests as various sounds, often as ringing or buzzing in the ear. Some experience what feels like hearing their heartbeat in the ear, known as pulsatile tinnitus. This is a form of objective tinnitus, where the noise is caused by an actual sound source, such as blood flow in vessels. These sounds can differ in intensity and duration and may become chronic if ignored. Persistent pulsatile tinnitus throughout the day warrants medical attention.

Morning tinnitus natural treatments and remedies

To manage or lessen morning tinnitus, several approaches and preventive measures can be taken, tailored to the specific cause of your ear ringing. If tinnitus continues in the morning, it's advisable to consult an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist for suitable treatment. These methods include:

  • Sound Therapy for Tinnitus and Retraining Therapy.
  • Enhancing sleep quality to decrease tinnitus.
  • Identifying and avoiding foods that may trigger tinnitus.
  • Utilizing Tinnitus Masking Devices and Tinnitus Hearing Aids.
  • Employing hearing aids.

FAQ about ears ringing in morning

Why is tinnitus worse in the morning?

People with chronic ringing in the ears often find it more pronounced in the morning upon waking. This tinnitus could be linked to one's sleeping position. An unusual neck angle during sleep can constrict the major blood vessels leading to the head, resulting in turbulent blood flow that manifests as tinnitus. There's a particular form of tinnitus that occurs exclusively when lying down or at night.

Can sleeping position cause tinnitus?

Sleeping with your neck at an odd angle can kink the major blood vessels to the head. This causes turbulent blood flow, which you may hear as tinnitus.

Why are my ears ringing after sleeping?

Tinnitus in the morning is attributable to the fact that the brain, even during sleep, remains active thanks to synapses that enter into play while we are at rest.

Can lack of sleep cause tinnitus?

Up to 71%of tinnitus patients report sleep problems, and sleep deprivation may be a cause of chronic tinnitus.

Why is my tinnitus worse when I lay down ?

Many people with tinnitus find it challenging to rest or lie down because the condition's associated sounds, like buzzing, ringing, or hissing, tend to become more distinct. Laying down can effectively worsen the tinnitus perception. The act of lying down can affect blood circulation and cause changes in the auditory system, making the ringing more apparent to some.

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