What causes lumps on ear and how to treat them?

Woman's ear

A lump in the ear refers to an unusual swelling or growth that appears within or on the surface of the ear. These lumps may exhibit varying characteristics - they could be hard or soft, cause discomfort or be pain-free, and their size can differ. The lumps can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). It is crucial to understand that not all lumps signify a severe condition, but any abnormal growth warrants a medical evaluation.

Common causes and types of ear lumps

Why is there a lump in my ear? Lumps in the ear can originate from several factors. The most prevalent causes include cysts, cholesteatoma, and tumors. Cysts are sac-like structures in the tissue filled with fluid, air, or other substances. Cholesteatoma is a skin growth that develops in the middle ear, often resulting from persistent ear infections. Tumors, on the other hand, are abnormal cell growths, which can be either cancerous or noncancerous.

Ear lobe lump

Ear lobe lumps can have several origins. One of the most common is a cyst, which is a fluid-filled bump that often forms due to blocked sebaceous glands. These cysts can be tender to the touch, especially if they become inflamed or infected.
Another frequent cause of ear lobe lumps, especially in those who have had their ears pierced, is a keloid. Keloids are overgrowths of scar tissue that can appear after the skin has been injured. They can be itchy, painful, and may continue to grow over time. Abscesses are another type of lump that can develop in the ear lobe, typically resulting from an infected ear piercing. This pocket of pus can be quite painful and warm to the touch, often requiring medical intervention.

Behind the ear lobe lump

Lumps that appear behind the ear are often swollen lymph nodes, indicative of an infection or other medical condition. Another common cause is a sebaceous cyst, which is a benign, non-cancerous lump filled with a yellowish substance called sebum or sometimes with pus. Typically, cysts in the ear manifest as small, round lumps beneath the skin. They can vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. While some ear cysts may be painless, others can induce discomfort, especially when they become infected or rupture. Less commonly, people might encounter an osteoma, which is a benign bone growth; it feels like a hard, immobile lump.

Pierced ear lump

Post-piercing, some individuals might notice granulomas, which are small reddish bumps that form due to the overproduction of tissue in response to the wound. Similarly, a pyogenic granuloma can also develop at the site of an infected piercing. This lesion is a rapidly growing, often bloody bump that can appear red or purple. It's not cancerous but can be bothersome.

Lump in the ear canal

Lumps inside the ear canal can be particularly discomforting. One such growth is an exostosis, a bony growth that often results from frequent exposure to cold water, leading to what's colloquially termed "surfer's ear". Another condition, otitis externa or swimmer's ear, causes swelling within the canal due to an infection. Occasionally, an earwax blockage can create a lump-like sensation, as the wax accumulates and hardens in the canal. Rarely, a tumor called ceruminoma, arising from the glands producing earwax, can also form a lump in the canal. Additionally, middle ear lumps can be due to cholesteatoma, an abnormal, non-cancerous skin growth that develops behind the eardrum. It often results from repeated ear infections or from a dysfunction in the eustachian tube that prevents proper drainage. Over time, a cholesteatoma can increase in size and destroy the delicate bones in the middle ear, leading to hearing loss. 

Outer ear lump

On the outer ear or pinna, one might experience chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis (CNH), which is a painful nodule often resulting from pressure or repeated trauma. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are types of skin cancers that can manifest as lumps or sores on the outer ear. These require immediate medical attention and evaluation.

Symptoms associated with ear lumps

The symptoms linked with an ear lump can significantly vary, depending on the root cause. They can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, and in some cases, hearing loss. Here are some of the most prevalent symptoms:

  1. Earache or discomfort: Frequently, this is the initial symptom detected by individuals with an ear lump. The pain experienced can vary from a dull ache to a sharp, stabbing sensation.

  2. Hearing loss: The lump's location and size can disrupt the ear's normal functioning, leading to partial or total hearing loss.

  3. Tinnitus: Characterized by a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ear, tinnitus is often linked with ear lumps caused by tumors or cysts.

  4. Vertigo: Some individuals may encounter dizziness or a feeling of imbalance, particularly common when the lump impacts the inner ear.

  5. Discharge: In certain cases, there might be a discharge from the ear, ranging from a clear fluid to a thick, pus-like substance, often signaling an infection.

  6. Itching: This symptom is prevalent in cases where the lump results from an allergic reaction or a skin condition.

Symptoms based on the lump type

The lump's nature can significantly dictate the experienced symptoms. For example, a cyst may induce discomfort and discharge but may not affect hearing unless it enlarges significantly or becomes infected. Conversely, a cholesteatoma, a skin growth that occurs in the middle ear, can lead to hearing loss, dizziness, and even facial muscle weakness if left untreated.

Tumors, whether benign or malignant, can trigger a range of symptoms from hearing loss and tinnitus to more severe symptoms like facial numbness or weakness, enlarged ear lymph nodes, and difficulty swallowing if they grow large and impinge on surrounding structures. Vestibular schwannomas, also known as acoustic neuromas, are benign tumors that develop on the nerves connecting the inner ear to the brain. They can cause symptoms like hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance issues.

Non-surgical treatments for ear lumps

Non-surgical treatments typically serve as the first line of defense, especially if the lump is small, benign, and not causing significant symptoms.

  1. Antibiotics
    Antibiotics are frequently prescribed when the lump results from an infection, such as an infected cyst or abscess. They function by eliminating the bacteria causing the infection, thus reducing inflammation and allowing the lump to shrink. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics found that antibiotics effectively treated ear infections in 90% of cases, underscoring their significance in managing such conditions.

  2. Steroids
    Steroids, either administered orally or injected directly into the lump, can be used to alleviate inflammation and swelling. They are particularly useful in treating inflammatory conditions like cholesteatoma.

  3. Radiation Therapy
    Radiation therapy, typically employed for malignant lumps, functions by using high-energy rays to eliminate cancer cells. This treatment is often reserved for cases where surgery is not an option, or when the lump is a vestibular schwannoma or acoustic neuroma.

Surgical treatments for ear lumps

Surgical treatments are considered when non-surgical treatments prove ineffective, or if the lump is large, malignant, or causing significant discomfort or hearing loss.

  1. Excision
    Excision is a surgical procedure where the lump is entirely removed. This is often the treatment of choice for large cysts, tumors, or cholesteatomas. A study in the Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery found that excision resulted in a cure rate of 92% for cholesteatomas, emphasizing its effectiveness.

  2. Cryotherapy
    Cryotherapy involves using extreme cold to destroy abnormal cells. It's often used for small, benign lumps on the outer part of the ear. The British Journal of Dermatology reported that cryotherapy is a safe and effective treatment, with a success rate of 89% in removing benign skin lesions.

  3. Laser Therapy
    Laser therapy employs focused light to heat and destroy abnormal cells. It's often used for small, hard-to-reach lumps, or for patients who are not suitable for traditional surgery. The Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences found that laser therapy had a high success rate in treating ear lumps, with minimal side effects and recovery time.

Diagnostic procedures to identify lumps on ears

The diagnostic journey to identify a lump in the ear is a pivotal phase in ascertaining the most suitable treatment and management plan for the condition. This journey comprises a sequence of procedures, each playing a unique and crucial role, such as physical examination, imaging tests and, occasionally, a biopsy.

Physical examination

Diagnosing an ear lump often starts with a physical examination. This crucial, non-invasive step lets the doctor evaluate the lump's attributes like size, shape, and position. Using an otoscope, the doctor can closely inspect the ear canal and eardrum, checking for other symptoms like pain, discharge, or hearing issues.

Imaging tests

When a physical check doesn't give clear answers, or the lump isn't easily seen, imaging tests become essential. These tests provide a deeper view of the ear's anatomy. A CT scan, which uses X-rays, offers detailed images, helping ascertain the lump's size, position, and effect on neighboring structures, vital for surgical considerations. Meanwhile, an MRI, using magnetic fields, offers radiation-free, high-resolution images of soft tissues, ideal for identifying lump types and their surrounding relationship.


Sometimes, a biopsy becomes necessary for a definitive diagnosis. This involves taking a tiny sample from the lump for microscopic examination. A biopsy determines whether a lump is benign or malignant, guiding the treatment approach.

Risks of untreated ear lumps

Ignoring a lump can precipitate a range of complications. For example, untreated cysts can become infected, leading to pain, swelling, and even hearing loss. Cholesteatomas, a specific type of skin cyst, can expand and inflict damage to the ear and nearby structures, resulting in hearing loss, dizziness, and facial muscle weakness. Tumors, benign or malignant, can also enlarge and exert pressure on nerves, causing hearing loss, balance disturbances, and tinnitus (ringing in the ear).

According to a research published in the American Journal of Otolaryngology, benign ear lumps, if left untreated, can in rare instances morph into malignant tumors. Consequently, any lump in the ear should be assessed by a healthcare professional to avert potential complications.

What are risks associated with surgical procedure?

Although surgical treatments are frequently successful, they carry their own risks. These include infection, bleeding, and damage to surrounding structures. Risks specific to ear surgery include temporary or permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, and facial nerve damage.

A review featured in the Journal of Neurosurgery emphasized that surgical removal of vestibular schwannomas, a type of benign ear tumor, can occasionally lead to complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage, stroke, and even death, although these occurrences are rare. The risk of complications escalates with the size of the tumor and the patient's age.

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Where a lump can form?

The manifestation of a lump can occur in any part of the ear, the location of which largely depends on its cause. For example, cysts and tumors frequently form in the outer ear or ear canal, while cholesteatomas are commonly found in the middle ear. The inner ear, with its intricate structure and delicate nature, is less prone to developing palpable lumps. However, abnormalities can still occur and may be detected through symptoms such as hearing loss or imbalance.

What are long-term implications of lumps in ears?

Over the long term, untreated ear lumps can result in chronic ear infections, persistent hearing loss, and balance problems. These conditions can significantly degrade a person's quality of life. Furthermore, if a lump is found to be cancerous, it can metastasize to other body parts, leading to severe health issues.

In conclusion, a lump in the ear, though it may seem trivial, can pose serious potential risks and long-term health implications. Therefore, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly if you detect a lump in your ear. Early detection and treatment can help alleviate these risks and prevent potential complications.

How to prevent lumps in ears?

Ear Hygiene

Regular ear cleaning is essential in preventing the formation of lumps. The ear, like other body parts, can gather dirt and bacteria which may lead to infections and lumps. It's advisable to clean the outer ear gently with mild soap and water. While it's tempting, it's vital to avoid inserting any objects into the ear canal as this could harm the eardrum and push wax further in, possibly causing blockages or infections. For those with a propensity for wax build-up, saline-based ear drops or sprays can be beneficial. However, these should be used judiciously and always under the guidance of a healthcare expert.

Regular Check-ups & Early Detection

Scheduled medical check-ups play a pivotal role in the early identification of potential ear issues, including lumps. During these examinations, healthcare professionals can spot abnormalities and, if required, delve deeper to ascertain the issue. Detecting ear lumps early offers a wider array of treatment possibilities and generally a more optimistic outlook. Furthermore, self-examinations can complement these professional checks. By routinely feeling around the ear area and seeking medical guidance when something feels amiss, individuals can catch and address ear lumps in their infancy.

Protective Measures

The ears, being exposed, are susceptible to environmental factors that can precipitate the development of lumps. One common factor is excessive sun exposure, which can damage the skin and increase the likelihood of skin cancer. To combat this, applying sunscreen to the ears or opting for wide-brimmed hats when outdoors can offer effective protection. In addition to sun protection, it's pivotal for individuals engaging in activities with potential head injury risks, like cycling or skateboarding, to always wear a helmet. A well-fitted helmet can be instrumental in preventing traumas that might lead to ear lumps.

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