Hearing Aid Facts: All About Hearing Aids

There are many myths about hearing loss and hearing aids. Many of the most common misconceptions lead to people either not seeking out help for their hearing loss or failing to invest in hearing aids. By being properly informed and equipping yourself with the knowledge required, you can begin your journey to better hearing. Here are some intriguing hearing aid facts you should know.

Facts About Hearing Aids

Hearing aids have come a long way since their original bulky forms. Not only are they smaller and more discreet, many models also feature state-of-the-art technology to deliver exceptional hearing experiences. When you learn all about hearing aids, it becomes clear just how far they’ve come and the differences they’re making in people’s lives. Here are some fun facts about hearing aid devices.

The First Commercial Hearing Aid

Many people believe that the first hearing aid evolved during the digital era. This is far from the case. The first commercially available hearing aid surfaced in, believe it or not, 1913. Made by Miller Reese Hutchison, this was the world’s first electric hearing aid. As you can imagine, early hearing aids were extremely cumbersome and were not yet portable as they are today.

Every Background has a Chance of Hearing Loss

Despite how far hearing aids have come over the past century, some people believe one of the most prominent hearing facts is that people of a certain race or sex are statistically more likely to need hearing aids. Every background has an equal chance of experiencing hearing loss. Major names from Bill Clinton to Whoopi Goldberg have required hearing aids at some point.

How Society Views Hearing Aids

Another fun fact about hearing aids is that the digital devices of today are small, comfortable, and discreet. The stigma attached to hearing aids has long since been wiped away. This is one of the most important hearing aid facts, as young people are notoriously unwilling to wear these devices for fear of embarrassment.

Hearing Aids are Simple to Use

Despite hearing aids being incredibly advanced pieces of equipment, with some even incorporating emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, they are programmed to be simple to use. Even those who are not particularly tech-savvy can customize their hearing aids to suit their lifestyle at the click of a button.

Hearing Aid Facts vs. Hearing Aid Myths

Despite the facts about hearing devices, many common myths continue to persist. Let’s go through some of the most common myths and set the record straight.

Hearing Aids are a Cure for Hearing Loss

This is possibly the most important piece of information about hearing aids. There is no cure for hearing loss in the same way laser eye surgery can cure a loss of eyesight. Hearing aids simply detect the sounds around you and convert those waves into digital signals, which are then amplified into your ear so you can hear them clearly.

You Only Need One Hearing Aid

Another one of the most interesting facts about hearing is that two hearing aids are always better than one. Wearing two hearing aids gives you directional hearing, enhancing your ability to hear in challenging listening environments. While it’s true that some people only require a hearing aid in one ear, the vast majority of people have some form of hearing loss in both ears. If you need hearing aids, the chances are you’ll require a pair of hearing devices as opposed to just one.

You Can Buy Hearing Aids Online

Hearing aids may be ordered online, but a professional still needs to program them to fit your hearing profile. You must undergo a hearing exam first, and then your hearing aids will be programmed accordingly. This will require an in-person visit.

Hearing Aids are for Severe Hearing Loss

While this is partly true, hearing aids facts state that even those with mild hearing loss can benefit from using hearing aids. Even someone who only has an extremely mild case of hearing loss should consult a professional for a hearing test. Most people underestimate how bad their hearing has become as hearing loss happens gradually over time. Allowing hearing loss to go untreated could lead to communication issues during your daily life, and symptoms will only worsen as time goes on.

Your Hearing Will Get Worse Wearing aids

This may be one of the greatest myths about hearing aids. A properly fitted pair of hearing aids enable you to hear the sounds you couldn’t without them. Your ears simply never received those sounds before; therefore, your brain has already forgotten what they sound like. There’s no evidence to show that wearing hearing aids will act as a crutch for your ears and brain. They are an enhancement of your listening capacity rather than a support.


There’s a lot of misinformation out there about hearing loss and hearing aids. But when looking at the hearing aid facts, the message is clear: these state-of-the-art devices make a tremendous difference in people’s lives and enable them to enjoy their life to the fullest. So why wait to start your journey to better hearing? If you have experienced any form of hearing loss, schedule a hearing test with a licensed professional through EarPros today. We’ll answer your questions and provide you with the information and resources you need to understand and treat the changes in your hearing.

EarPros has several articles you can read on which brand of hearing aid is best. Click here to know more.