Why can I hear my heartbeat in my ear?

Author: EarPros Team

The sensation of hearing one's heartbeat in the ear, also known as pulsatile tinnitus, is a perceptible thrhythmic sound at corresponds to the individual's heartbeat. It is often described as a whooshing, thumping, or rhythmic sound that can be heard in one or both ears. This phenomenon differs from non-pulsatile tinnitus, which is characterized by a continuous ringing or buzzing sound without a specific rhythm.

How to stop hearing heartbeat in ear?

Are you troubled by the sensation of hearing your heartbeat in your ear? You're not alone. Experiencing pulsatile tinnitus, or the perception of your heartbeat in your ear, can be unsettling. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate this discomfort and regain peace of mind. Here are some strategies to consider when treating pulsatile tinnitus:

  • Address underlying health conditions: Schedule a visit with an ear, nose, and throat specialist or an audiologist to identify and treat any underlying medical issues contributing to the sensation.
  • Practice stress-reduction techniques: Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness meditation into your daily routine to promote relaxation and reduce tension.
  • Use background noise: Try using a white noise machine or playing soothing music to mask the sound of your heartbeat and provide relief from pulsatile tinnitus.
  • Consider hearing aids or tinnitus maskers: Explore the option of using hearing aids or tinnitus maskers to provide additional auditory stimulation and help mask or distract from the sensation of pulsatile tinnitus.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Prioritize regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate hydration to support overall ear health and potentially reduce symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus.

By implementing these strategies, you can take proactive steps to manage pulsatile tinnitus and improve your quality of life. Remember, consulting with a medical professional is always advisable for personalized guidance and treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

Elderly woman placing her hand on the hearing aids, showing the back part of the device
Is it common to awaken with ringing in only one ear?

Although tinnitus often impacts both ears, waking up with ringing in one ear can indicate potential issues like earwax buildup, an ear infection, or sudden hearing loss. Seeking medical evaluation is recommended to identify the underlying cause.

Learn about earwax buildup

What causes you to hear your heartbeat in your ear?

Exploring the causes behind the unsettling sensation of hearing a heartbeat sound in the ear unveils a variety of potential factors but, what is the most common cause of pulsatile tinnitus? Vascular issues are the primary cause, followed by ear-related conditions:

  1. Vascular issues: Pulsatile tinnitus can be linked to various vascular conditions, including high blood pressure, turbulent blood flow, or abnormalities in the blood vessels near the ear. These factors can contribute to the perception of the heartbeat in the ear, often accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness or headaches.
  2. Muscle contractions: In some cases, involuntary muscle contractions in the middle ear, known as middle ear myoclonus, can result in the sensation of hearing one's heartbeat. This muscular activity can generate rhythmic sounds that coincide with the individual's pulse.
  3. Ear-related conditions: Several ear-related conditions, such as atherosclerosis, abnormal growths in the ear, or changes in the structure of the ear's blood vessels, can lead to pulsatile tinnitus. These conditions may affect the transmission of sound within the ear, resulting in the perception of the heartbeat.

Pulsatile tinnitus, heartbeat in ear and anxiety

Have you ever thought "I can hear my heartbeat in my right ear due to anxiety"? In fact, experiencing the sensation of hearing your heartbeat in your ear can trigger anxiety. Individuals may worry about underlying health issues like high blood pressure. The persistent nature of heartbeat sounds in the ear, especially nighttime tinnitus, can heighten stress levels. Seeking support from healthcare professionals is crucial for reassurance and guidance. Counseling and relaxation techniques may help manage anxiety related to pulsatile tinnitus. Remember, seeking help is key to finding relief from pulsatile tinnitus anxiety.

Heartbeat in ear during pregnancy

A heartbeat sensation in the ear during pregnancy, known as pulsatile tinnitus, is not uncommon and can be attributed to various factors associated with pregnancy. The increased blood volume and circulation that occur during pregnancy can lead to changes in blood flow throughout the body, including the blood vessels near the ears. These changes may result in the perception of a rhythmic pulsation or thumping sound in the ear, often synchronized with the maternal heartbeat. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can affect fluid balance in the inner ear, potentially contributing to sensations of fullness or pressure and influencing the perception of pulsatile tinnitus. While experiencing a heartbeat sensation in the ear during pregnancy is typically benign, it's essential to mention any concerning symptoms to your healthcare provider during prenatal visits to ensure proper evaluation and management. In most cases, pulsatile tinnitus related to pregnancy resolves on its own after childbirth as hormonal levels return to normal and circulation stabilizes. However, if the sensation persists or becomes bothersome, your healthcare provider may recommend further evaluation to rule out any underlying conditions and provide appropriate guidance for symptom management.

Hearing heartbeat in ear and Covid

Experiencing a sensation of hearing one's heartbeat in the ear amid a COVID-19 infection is a relatively uncommon but reported symptom. While research is ongoing to understand the full scope of auditory symptoms associated with COVID-19, some individuals have reported experiencing pulsatile tinnitus during their illness. The exact mechanism behind this phenomenon in the context of COVID-19 remains unclear. However, it is believed that the virus may affect blood flow or circulation, leading to changes in vascular function that could contribute to the perception of pulsatile tinnitus. Additionally, the inflammatory response triggered by COVID-19 could potentially impact the auditory system, though further research is needed to confirm this. If individuals experience pulsatile tinnitus or any other unusual auditory symptoms while infected with COVID-19, it's essential to mention these symptoms to healthcare providers for appropriate evaluation and management. While pulsatile tinnitus may resolve on its own as the infection clears, healthcare professionals may recommend monitoring or further assessment to ensure the symptom is not indicative of any underlying issues.
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Hearing heartbeat in one ear or both: symptoms

The sensation of hearing a heartbeat in one ear or both ears, known as pulsatile tinnitus, can prompt different considerations and potential causes. Pulsatile tinnitus in one ear may indicate localized factors affecting that specific ear, such as ear-related conditions like atherosclerosis or abnormal growths. Conversely, bilateral pulsatile tinnitus affecting both ears may suggest systemic issues affecting the entire auditory system, such as vascular conditions or muscle contractions in the middle ear. In general, the most common symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus include rhythmic pulsations or thumping sounds in the ear, a perception of one's heartbeat in the ear, intermittent or continuous sensations, heightened noticeability at night or in quiet environments, and potential accompanying symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, or changes in hearing.

Loud heartbeat in ear and pulsatile tinnitus

The intrusive presence of a loud heartbeat in the ear can disrupt daily routines and cause discomfort. This pronounced auditory phenomenon not only draws attention away from tasks and activities but can also evoke feelings of discomfort and unease. The persistent presence of a loud heartbeat sound may interfere with concentration, making it difficult to focus on work, conversations, or leisure activities.

Hear heartbeat in ear when lying down

Experiencing the sound of your heartbeat in your ear, especially when lying down, can be attributed to various underlying factors. 

One common cause is pulsatile tinnitus, a condition characterized by the perception of rhythmic pulsations or thumping sounds in the ear. This sensation can occur due to changes in blood flow or blood pressure near the ear, which may become more noticeable when lying down due to changes in head position. 

Other potential causes include ear infections, fluid buildup in the middle ear, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), vascular abnormalities, or muscle spasms in the middle ear. Additionally, certain lifestyle factors such as stress, anxiety, caffeine consumption, or exposure to loud noises may exacerbate the perception of the heartbeat sound in the ear when lying down. 

If experiencing persistent symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus or concerns about hearing your heartbeat in your ear, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

Pulsatile tinnitus in one ear only at night

Experiencing pulsatile tinnitus in one ear only at night can be attributed to various factors. One common cause is changes in blood flow or vascular conditions, which may become more noticeable when lying down due to the reduced ambient noise and increased awareness of bodily sensations during sleep. Additionally, factors such as changes in head position or increased blood pressure when lying down can exacerbate the perception of pulsatile tinnitus in one ear.

Emotional impact of feeling heartbeat sound in ears

The emotional and psychological impact of experiencing the sensation of hearing one's heartbeat in the ear should not be underestimated. Individuals may experience heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and frustration as they grapple with this persistent auditory phenomenon. Sleep disturbances and difficulty concentrating on daily tasks can further exacerbate the mental strain associated with pulsatile tinnitus.

Moreover, the uncertainty surrounding the cause of the sensation and the potential implications for one's health can contribute to feelings of unease and apprehension. It is essential to recognize and address the emotional toll that this experience may exact on individuals, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive support and understanding.

In conclusion, gaining a thorough understanding of the sensation of hearing one's heartbeat in the ear is pivotal in addressing the potential causes and implications it may have on an individual's daily life and mental well-being. By delving into the intricacies of this phenomenon, we can provide individuals with the knowledge and support they need to navigate this experience with resilience and empowerment.

A doctor conducting an ear exam
Can TMJ, bruxism, and tinnitus affect sleep?

The intrusive noises of tinnitus, along with TMJ disorder and bruxism, can greatly disrupt a person's ability to achieve rejuvenating sleep, leading to increased fatigue and cognitive difficulties upon waking.

More about nighttime tinnitus

Heartbeat in ear FAQs

Is hearing your heartbeat in your ears normal?

Hearing your heartbeat in your ears occasionally, particularly in quiet environments or when lying down, is relatively common and usually not a cause for concern. However, if you experience persistent or bothersome symptoms of hearing your heartbeat in your ears, or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as dizziness or headaches, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance. 

Why can I hear my heartbeat in my left ear?

Hearing your heartbeat in your left ear could be due to various factors, such as changes in blood flow, vascular issues, or muscle contractions in the middle ear.

Are heartbeat in ear and ear infections related?

While there isn't a direct causal relationship between hearing your heartbeat in your ear and ear infections, they can sometimes be associated. Ear infections can cause inflammation and fluid buildup in the middle ear, which may affect the perception of sound and contribute to sensations like pulsatile tinnitus. 

Does pulsatile tinnitus go away?

Whether pulsatile tinnitus goes away or not depends on its underlying cause. In some cases, pulsatile tinnitus may resolve on its own, especially if it comes and goes and it's related to temporary factors such as stress, temporary changes in blood flow, or certain medications. However, if pulsatile tinnitus is caused by underlying medical conditions such as vascular issues, ear-related conditions, or neurological disorders, it may persist until the underlying cause is addressed.

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