How to choose the best swimming ear plugs?

A man swimming in a pool

Swimming is a popular recreational activity that offers numerous health benefits. However, it is essential to recognize the potential risks associated with prolonged water exposure, particularly to our ears.

To mitigate these risks and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, the use of swimming ear plugs has become increasingly prevalent. Swimming ear plugs act as a protective barrier, preventing water from entering the ear canal and reducing the chances of developing water-related ear problems. They are designed to fit snugly in the ear, effectively sealing off the ear canal and providing a watertight seal.

Types of swimming ear plugs: pros and cons

Custom molded ear plugs

Custom molded ear plugs are individually crafted to fit the unique contours of an individual's ear. To obtain these ear plugs, a visit to an audiologist or hearing specialist is required. During the process, a mold of the ear canal is taken using a specialized material. This mold is then used to create a custom-fit ear plug.


  • Perfect fit: Custom molded ear plugs provide a superior level of comfort and seal as they are designed specifically for an individual's ear, ensuring maximum protection against water and noise.
  • Durability: These ear plugs are highly durable, lasting for a long time without losing their shape or effectiveness.


  • Higher cost: The cost of obtaining custom molded ear plugs is higher compared to other options, which may make them less accessible to individuals on a tight budget.
  • Time-consuming process: The process of obtaining custom molded ear plugs can be time-consuming, as it involves multiple visits to the audiologist and waiting for the ear plugs to be manufactured.

Pre-molded ear plugs

Pre-molded ear plugs, also known as universal fit ear plugs, are readily available in most drugstores, sporting goods stores, and online retailers. These ear plugs are designed to fit a wide range of ear sizes and shapes without the need for customization.


  • Affordability: Pre-molded ear plugs are generally more cost-effective compared to custom molded ear plugs.
  • Convenience: They can be easily purchased and used immediately without any waiting time.


  • Imperfect fit: Due to their universal design, pre-molded ear plugs may not seal the ear canal as effectively as custom-molded ear plugs.
  • Less durability: Pre-molded ear plugs may be less durable compared to their custom counterparts, requiring more frequent replacements.

Silicone ear plugs

Silicone ear plugs are made from a soft and flexible material that conforms to the shape of the ear canal. They are widely used for swimming due to their waterproof properties and ability to create a tight seal.


  • Flexibility: Silicone ear plugs adapt to different ear shapes and sizes, providing a comfortable fit for most individuals.
  • Effective water protection: They keep water out of the ear canal, reducing the risk of swimmer's ear.
  • Reusability: Silicone ear plugs are reusable, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.


  • Discomfort for some users: The soft material of silicone ear plugs can sometimes create a sensation of pressure or fullness in the ear canal.
  • Limited sound reduction: While silicone ear plugs provide good water protection, they may not offer the same level of sound reduction as other types of ear plugs.

Flanged ear plugs

Flanged ear plugs, also known as multi-flange ear plugs, feature multiple ridges or flanges that help create a seal in the ear canal. These ear plugs are typically made of soft silicone or rubber material.

Advantages of flanged ear plugs:

  • Versatile fit: Flanged ear plugs accommodate a range of ear sizes due to their multiple flanges, allowing for adjustment and customization.
  • Easy to use: They are relatively easy to insert and remove, making them convenient for regular use.


  • Imperfect fit for some ear sizes: Flanged ear plugs may not fit all ear sizes perfectly, especially individuals with smaller or larger ear canals.
  • Less effective water protection: They may be less effective in blocking water compared to custom molded or silicone ear plugs.

Benefits of using swimming ear plugs

1. Protection against swimmer's ear


Swimming ear plugs act as a protective barrier, preventing water from entering the ear canal and reducing the risk of developing swimmer's ear. By creating a tight seal, these plugs effectively block water entry and maintain a dry environment within the ear.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology examined the impact of ear plugs on the incidence of swimmer's ear among a group of competitive swimmers. The results showed a significant reduction in the occurrence of the infection among those who consistently used ear plugs compared to those who did not.

2. Prevention of waterborne infections


Swimming in pools or open water exposes individuals to various waterborne infections. Some common examples include:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa: This bacterium can cause skin rashes, ear infections, and even respiratory tract infections.
  • Cryptosporidium: A parasite that leads to gastrointestinal illness, causing symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, and nausea.
  • Staphylococcus aureus: Known for causing skin infections, this bacterium can enter the body through cuts or abrasions during swimming.

Swimming ear plugs create a physical barrier that prevents contaminated water from reaching the ear canal. By blocking the entry of harmful bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms, these plugs significantly reduce the risk of waterborne infections.

3. Minimizing the risk of exostosis


Exostosis, commonly known as surfer's ear, is a condition characterized by the abnormal growth of bony protrusions in the ear canal. It is primarily caused by prolonged exposure to cold water and wind, particularly in activities like swimming, surfing, or diving. These bony growths can lead to hearing loss, ear infections, and discomfort.

Swimming ear plugs play a crucial role in preventing exostosis by minimizing the exposure of the ear canal to cold water and wind. By creating a barrier, these plugs prevent the chilling effect on the ear canal, reducing the risk of abnormal bone growth.

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Proper usage of swimming ear plugs

Insertion and removal techniques

Proper insertion and removal of swimming ear plugs are crucial to ensure their effectiveness and prevent any discomfort or damage to the ears. Follow these step-by-step instructions for correct usage:

  1. Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the ear plugs.
  2. Gently roll the ear plug between your fingers to compress it into a small, cylindrical shape. This will make it easier to insert into the ear canal.
  3. Reach over your head with the hand opposite to the ear you are inserting the plug into. This will help straighten the ear canal for easier insertion.
  4. With your free hand, gently pull the outer ear upward and outward to straighten the ear canal further.
  5. Insert the compressed ear plug into the ear canal, pushing it in gently until it forms a snug seal. Be careful not to push it in too far, as this can cause discomfort or damage.
  6. Hold the ear plug in place for a few seconds to allow it to expand and create a secure seal.
  7. To remove the ear plug, gently pull on the stem or tab attached to the plug. Avoid pulling on the ear plug itself, as this can cause pain or injury.

Common mistakes to avoid

While inserting and removing swimming ear plugs may seem straightforward, there are some common mistakes that can compromise their effectiveness or cause discomfort. Here are a few key mistakes to avoid:

  1. Inserting the ear plug too far into the ear canal. This can lead to discomfort, pain, or difficulty in removing the plug.
  2. Failing to compress the ear plug properly before insertion. This can result in an inadequate seal, allowing water to enter the ear.
  3. Pulling on the ear plug itself during removal. This can cause pain or injury to the ear canal.
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Ear plugs FAQs

Prevent discomfort and ensure ear plugs effectiveness with some instructions and recommendations on how to wear these hearing protections.

Ear plugs recommendations

Swimming ear plugs maintenance

How to clean ear plugs after each use

Properly cleaning swimming ear plugs after each use is essential to maintain their hygiene and prolong their lifespan. Follow these instructions for effective cleaning:

  1. Remove the ear plugs from your ears gently, following the proper removal technique mentioned earlier.
  2. Rinse the ear plugs thoroughly with warm water to remove any debris, earwax, or chlorine residue. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the ear plugs.
  3. Use a mild soap or ear plug cleaning solution to clean the plugs. Gently rub the soap or solution over the surface of the ear plugs, paying special attention to any crevices or grooves.
  4. Rinse the ear plugs again with warm water to remove any soap residue.
  5. Pat the ear plugs dry with a clean towel or allow them to air dry completely before storing.

Storage methods to maintain ear plugs' longevity

Proper storage of swimming ear plugs is crucial to prevent damage and maintain their effectiveness. Consider the following recommended storage methods:

  1. Store the ear plugs in a clean, dry container specifically designed for ear plug storage. These containers often have ventilation holes to allow air circulation, preventing moisture buildup.
  2. Use a small, breathable pouch or bag to store the ear plugs. This will protect them from dust and debris while allowing them to dry properly.
  3. Avoid storing the ear plugs in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can cause deterioration or deformation.

Extending the lifespan of swimming ear plugs

To maximize the lifespan of your swimming ear plugs, consider the following tips:

  1. Replace your ear plugs regularly, as they can become less effective over time or accumulate damage.
  2. Avoid exposing the ear plugs to harsh chemicals, such as hair products or cleaning agents, as these can degrade the material.
  3. Keep a spare pair of ear plugs with you, especially when traveling or participating in water activities, to ensure you always have a backup in case of loss or damage.

Tips for choosing the right swimming ear plugs

Consideration of individual needs

  • Ear Size: The size and shape of your ears play a crucial role in determining the fit of ear plugs. It is important to select ear plugs that can be easily inserted and provide a secure seal without causing discomfort or irritation.
  • Comfort Level: Comfort is paramount when choosing swimming ear plugs. Look for options that are made from soft, hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, consider ear plugs with ergonomic designs that conform to the contours of your ears for a snug and comfortable fit.
  • Intended Use: Different individuals have varying swimming needs. If you are a professional swimmer or regularly engage in water sports, you may require ear plugs that offer a higher level of water resistance and durability. On the other hand, if you swim recreationally or for leisure, you may prioritize comfort and ease of use.

Trying different types and brands to find the best

It is crucial to try different types and brands of swimming ear plugs to find the best fit for your individual needs. Each person's ears are unique, and what works for one may not work for another. By experimenting with various options, you can determine which ear plugs provide the best combination of comfort, fit, and water resistance.

Swimming ear plugs price range and value for money

Swimming ear plugs are available in a wide price range, ranging from budget-friendly options to higher-end products. The price may vary depending on the brand, material quality, and additional features such as adjustable fit or specialized designs.

To find the best value for money ear plugs, consider the following:

  • Research and compare different brands and models: Look for ear plugs that offer a balance between price and features. Read customer reviews and expert opinions to gain insights into their performance and durability.
  • Consider long-term cost: While some ear plugs may have a higher initial cost, they may be more durable and require less frequent replacement, ultimately saving you money in the long run.
  • Look for warranty or satisfaction guarantees: Brands that offer warranties or satisfaction guarantees demonstrate confidence in their products. This can provide additional peace of mind when making a purchase.

Additional tips for swimmers

Swimming is a wonderful activity that offers numerous health benefits, but it can also lead to certain discomforts, particularly in the ears. Excess water in the ears can cause irritation, infection, and even temporary hearing loss. To prevent these issues, it is important to adopt effective ear care practices. Here are some suggestions for using ear drops and drying techniques to remove excess water from the ears:

  1. Ear Drops: Ear drops are a simple yet effective way to dry out the ears after swimming. These drops contain a drying agent, such as isopropyl alcohol or acetic acid, which helps to evaporate the water trapped in the ear canal. 
  2. Drying Techniques: In addition to ear drops, there are several drying techniques that can help remove excess water from the ears. These techniques include: gravity method and blow dryer method.
  3. Regular Ear Check-ups: While taking preventive measures to care for your ears is essential, it is equally important to schedule regular ear check-ups with a healthcare professional. They can help identify any underlying issues or potential complications related to swimming and ear health. A healthcare professional can examine your ears, assess any symptoms, and provide appropriate guidance and treatment if necessary. Remember, early detection and intervention can prevent more serious complications in the future.

Other swimming accessories

In addition to ear plugs, there are other swimming accessories that can complement their use and enhance your overall swimming experience. Here are some recommendations:

Swim caps

Swim caps not only protect your hair from chlorine damage but also help keep water out of your ears. Look for caps made of silicone or latex, as they provide a snug fit and create a barrier against water entry.


Goggles are essential for swimmers to protect their eyes from chlorine and other irritants in the water. They also prevent water from splashing into your eyes, reducing the risk of water reaching your ears.

Nose clips

Nose clips can be beneficial for swimmers who struggle with water entering their nose while swimming. By keeping the nostrils closed, nose clips prevent water from entering the nasal passages, reducing the likelihood of water reaching the ears.

Swim ear bands

Swim ear bands are designed to keep water out of the ears while swimming. They provide an additional layer of protection and can be particularly useful for individuals prone to ear infections or those who have had recent ear surgery.

Remember, while these accessories can enhance your swimming experience, it is essential to choose high-quality products that fit comfortably and securely. Prioritize your comfort and safety when selecting swimming accessories.

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