Financial options and assistance for hearing aids

Our ability to hear is entirely undervalued until we begin to lose it. Hearing loss can occur for any numbers of reasons. It may be due to your sustained exposure to noise at work, as a result of aging, illness, medications, or other life experiences. Nevertheless, loss of hearing can be a difficult time for not just the individual suffering but also their loved ones and friends.

Hearing aids are a wonderful investment, providing an invaluable, restorative benefit to your hearing and quality of life. Choosing to invest in a hearing aid(s) isn’t simply for your own personal happiness but also the happiness of your friends and family who will benefit from your restored sense of hearing.

The cost of hearing aids may be intimidating for some with prices reaching up to several thousand dollars. While there are less expensive options on the market of course, there is a huge compromise and discrepancy to be had with the level of technology included within the aid, as well as the after-purchase support.

When considering cost and hearing aid choice the focus should not be on the price per se but the 'investment' itself; this isn’t just a case of financial investment, this is your health that you’re investing in and really, in that regard, you shouldn’t compromise.

That still doesn’t alleviate the immediate problem of affordability.  If an individual does not have the necessary financial means to purchase hearing aids or those who are in more financially compromised positions, there are numerous hearing aid financial options available. These financial options can ensure you receive the aid you deserve, but also are capable of not only rejuvenating your hearing but also your quality of life.

Primary options

Hearing aid insurance

Depending on your individual policy (with your place of work and or healthcare provider) you may be eligible for full or partial hearing aid insurance. Your insurance can cover the costs of hearing screenings, tests, and hearing aids, but that all depends on your individual plan and the respective healthcare policies where you live.

There may be additional insurance funding available from certain government healthcare programs. However, it may be limited (dependant on where you live) and may not cover the entire cost required. Not only that, they will be dependent on income and disability status.

There are other NGOs and charities which can also provide insurance funding, such as veterans organisations, workers unions, non-profit organizations, and so on, so exploring these options is also recommended should your individual insurance plan not cover the full costs.

Financing options

Should your hearing aid insurance not cover the full costs there are also financing options available. Financing options allow for you spread out the cost/remaining cost evenly over an extended period of time; not only does this allow you to invest in the right hearing aids for you but also takes away the stress from the financial burden an immediate upfront cost could impose.

Payment plans can be spread out up to several years making monthly payments (especially when partially covered by insurance plans) incredibly affordable and allowing you to pursue the best possible hearing aid option for your situation.

We offer consultations with a licensed hearing professional who will be able to advise you throughout the process of selecting a hearing aids that is right for you. Our team of experts will not only be able to advise you on the right hearing aids for you and the testing/fitting process but also the financing options available to you and how we facilitate these.

With you on your journey to better hearing.

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