ReSound Omnia hearing aids

When comparing traditional hearing aids with modern technology like ReSound Omnia, it becomes evident that the advancements in digital signal processing, AI integration, and connectivity options have significantly elevated the performance and user experience of contemporary hearing aids.

ReSound Omnia, in particular, stands out for its cutting-edge features such as beamforming directionality, which enables precise sound localization and speech enhancement in complex listening environments. The seamless integration of modern technology in ReSound Omnia not only addresses the functional aspects of hearing loss but also prioritizes user comfort and lifestyle preferences, making it a standout choice in the current landscape of hearing aid options.

ReSound Omnia hearing aid models

Designed to cater to a wide range of hearing loss levels, the ReSound Omnia hearing aids come in various models, each tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of the individual. From rechargeable options that provide the convenience of not having to frequently change batteries, to models that offer discreet, almost invisible wear, the Omnia series is at the forefront of hearing aid technology. Below, we explore the top models within this series, highlighting their key features, styles, and estimated price ranges to help you find the perfect hearing solution that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.




Key Features

Price Range (USD)

Omnia RIE 61 Rechargeable


Lithium-ion rechargeable

Bluetooth connectivity, customizable through app, comfortable and discreet design, improved hearing in various situations, manages tinnitus

$4,000 - $6,000/pair

Omnia Mini RIE

Miniature Receiver-in-Ear

Lithium-ion rechargeable

Compact and discreet, Bluetooth connectivity, easy personalization via app, suitable for mild to profound hearing loss

$4,000 - $6,000/pair

Omnia RIE 61


Size 312 battery

Directional microphones for improved speech comprehension in noise, LED indicator for status, telecoil standard

$3,500 - $5,500/pair

Omnia ITC


Lithium-ion rechargeable

Custom fit for severe to profound loss, rechargeable for all-day use, Bluetooth streaming

$4,000 - $6,000/pair

Omnia RIE 62


Size 13 battery, telecoil

Larger battery for extended life, includes telecoil for loop systems, directional microphones

$3,500 - $5,500/pair

  • Model

    • Omnia RIE 61 Rechargeable

    • Omnia Mini RIE

    • Omnia RIE 61

    • Omnia ITC

    • Omnia RIE 62

  • Style

    • Receiver-in-Canal

    • Miniature Receiver-in-Ear

    • Receiver-in-Ear

    • In-the-Canal

    • Receiver-in-Ear

  • Battery

    • Lithium-ion rechargeable

    • Lithium-ion rechargeable

    • Size 312 battery

    • Lithium-ion rechargeable

    • Size 13 battery, telecoil

  • Key Features

    • Bluetooth connectivity, customizable through app, comfortable and discreet design, improved hearing in various situations, manages tinnitus

    • Compact and discreet, Bluetooth connectivity, easy personalization via app, suitable for mild to profound hearing loss

    • Directional microphones for improved speech comprehension in noise, LED indicator for status, telecoil standard

    • Custom fit for severe to profound loss, rechargeable for all-day use, Bluetooth streaming

    • Larger battery for extended life, includes telecoil for loop systems, directional microphones

  • Price Range (USD)

    • $4,000 - $6,000/pair

    • $4,000 - $6,000/pair

    • $3,500 - $5,500/pair

    • $4,000 - $6,000/pair

    • $3,500 - $5,500/pair

GN ReSound Omnia 9: A leap in hearing technology

The ReSound Omnia 9 stands at the forefront of hearing aid innovation, offering users an exceptional auditory experience. This model is designed to cater to a wide array of hearing loss levels, providing crystal-clear sound in various environments. Its cutting-edge noise reduction feature ensures that users can focus on conversations without being overwhelmed by background noise, making it an ideal choice for those who find themselves in noisy settings.

Advanced connectivity

  • Bluetooth capabilities for streaming from iOS and Android devices
  • Supports hands-free calls, especially with Apple devices
  • Enhances daily convenience for modern users

Customization at your fingertips

  • Enabled through the ReSound Smart 3D app
  • Users can adjust settings to personal preferences
  • Offers a tailored hearing experience

Eco-friendly and user-centric design

  • Features a rechargeable battery option
  • Appeals to environmentally conscious users
  • Provides convenience with easy recharging

Hearing aids ReSound omnia: colors

The ReSound Omnia hearing aids not only stand out for their advanced features and superior sound quality but also for their aesthetic appeal, offering a variety of colors to suit individual preferences and styles. The range of ReSound Omnia colors ensures that users can choose a hue that best matches their skin tone or hair color, making the hearing aids as inconspicuous as they desire including:

  • Sparkling silver
  • Champagne
  • Gold
  • Bronze
  • Warm grey
  • Graphite
  • Espresso
  • Deep black
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ReSound Omnia hearing aid prices in the US

When considering the investment in ReSound Omnia hearing aids in the U.S. market, it's important to understand the price range and what it encompasses. The Omnia series, known for its advanced technology and comprehensive features, typically falls within an estimated price range of $3,500 to $6,000 per pair. This price variation accounts for different models within the series, technology levels, and included services such as professional fitting, follow-up care, and any additional accessories.

Prices reflect the cutting-edge sound quality, customization options through smartphone apps, and the convenience of rechargeable batteries that the Omnia series offers. It's also worth noting that prices can vary based on the provider, location, and specific promotions available. For those seeking high-quality hearing solutions, the Omnia series represents a significant but worthwhile investment in improved hearing and quality of life. To ensure the best value and fit for your needs, consult with a hearing care professional who can guide you through the options and help you navigate any available financing or insurance benefits.

Insurance coverage and financial assistance

Understanding the financial considerations associated with acquiring hearing aids, ReSound Omnia has taken proactive steps to address affordability concerns. The company collaborates with insurance providers to explore coverage options for their hearing aids. Additionally, they have developed financial assistance programs to support individuals who may face financial constraints in obtaining the necessary hearing solutions. Through partnerships with healthcare financing organizations and flexible payment plans, ReSound Omnia endeavors to make their hearing aids financially accessible to a broader population.

Reviews and technology used in ReSound Omnia

ReSound Omnia hearing aids are at the forefront of technological innovation, offering a range of features designed to provide users with a personalized and exceptional hearing experience:

Beamforming directionality

One of the standout features of ReSound Omnia hearing aids is the incorporation of beamforming directionality. This technology allows the device to focus on specific sounds and speech, even in noisy environments, providing users with enhanced speech understanding and improved listening comfort. By leveraging the power of beamforming, ReSound Omnia ensures that wearers can effortlessly engage in conversations and social interactions without being hindered by background noise.

Connectivity options

ReSound Omnia hearing aids are designed to seamlessly integrate with various devices, offering users a wide range of connectivity options. Whether it's connecting to smartphones, televisions, or other audio sources, the advanced connectivity features of ReSound Omnia ensure that wearers can effortlessly stream audio directly to their hearing aids, enhancing their overall listening experience and facilitating a more connected lifestyle.

Available styles: BTE, ITE and invisible

ReSound Omnia offers a diverse range of styles to cater to individual preferences and needs. From discreet in-the-ear options to behind-the-ear models, users have the flexibility to choose a style that aligns with their comfort and aesthetic preferences, ensuring that they can confidently embrace their hearing aids as an integral part of their daily lives.

Personalization apps for ReSound Omnia aids

  1. Companion Mobile App: ReSound offers a dedicated mobile app that allows users to personalize their hearing experience. The app provides access to various features such as adjusting volume, modifying settings for different environments, and even locating lost hearing aids.
  2. Remote Assistance and Support: The app also facilitates remote assistance and support from audiologists or hearing care professionals. Users can seek guidance, make adjustments, and receive personalized recommendations without the need for an in-person visit.
  3. Integration with Other Devices: The personalization app also enables seamless integration with other devices, such as smartphones and audio streaming accessories. This integration enhances the overall user experience by allowing for effortless connectivity and control.
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ReSound Omnia hearing aid accessories

The ReSound Omnia hearing aid series is complemented by a range of accessories designed to enhance the user experience, ensuring seamless integration into daily life. These accessories are crafted to address various user needs, from improved connectivity to enhanced control and convenience. Some of the notable accessories include:

  • TV Streamer: This device allows users to stream audio directly from their television or other audio sources to their ReSound Omnia hearing aids, ensuring clear sound for movies, shows, and music right into their ears.
  • Remote Control: For those who prefer physical buttons for simplicity or do not use a smartphone, the remote control offers an easy way to adjust volume and switch between programs.
  • Multi Mic and Micro Mic: These portable microphones enhance speech understanding in noise by streaming the speaker's voice directly to the hearing aids. They are particularly useful in group settings or noisy environments.
  • Phone Clip+: This accessory provides hands-free phone calls and music streaming from any Bluetooth-enabled phone, not just smartphones, making it a versatile tool for connectivity.
  • Premium Charger: The Omnia series includes rechargeable options with a simple and convenient charging station, ensuring the hearing aids are always ready to use.

Each accessory is designed to make the hearing aid experience more personalized and adaptable to various environments and situations. Whether it's enjoying television at home, participating in conversations in noisy settings, or managing phone calls and music on the go, ReSound Omnia accessories aim to provide users with an enhanced auditory experience.

Benefits of ReSound Omnia hearing aids

ReSound Omnia hearing aids offer a multitude of benefits that cater to the diverse needs of individuals with hearing loss. This section will delve into the exceptional advantages of ReSound Omnia, emphasizing its impact on sound quality, customization options, connectivity, and user comfort:

Improved sound quality and clarity

One of the standout features of ReSound Omnia Hearing Aids is their unparalleled sound quality and clarity. The advanced technology integrated into these devices ensures that users experience a natural and immersive sound environment. The use of cutting-edge signal processing algorithms and noise reduction capabilities significantly enhances speech understanding, even in challenging listening situations. 

Customizable settings for individual needs

ReSound Omnia hearing aids are designed to cater to the unique requirements of each user. The personalized hearing experience is achieved through the utilization of innovative technology that allows for precise adjustments based on individual preferences and specific hearing profiles. The accompanying mobile app provides users with the flexibility to fine-tune settings such as volume, frequency response, and sound equalization, empowering them to tailor their hearing aids to their liking in various listening environments.

Moreover, ReSound Omnia's intelligent sound processing adapts in real-time to the user's auditory needs, seamlessly adjusting to changes in the acoustic environment. This level of customization ensures that users receive optimal amplification and sound quality, ultimately leading to a more satisfying and personalized hearing experience.

Connectivity options and compatibility

In today's interconnected world, the ability to seamlessly connect with various devices is paramount. ReSound Omnia hearing aids excel in this aspect, offering a wide range of connectivity options that enhance the overall user experience. These hearing aids are compatible with smartphones, tablets, and other Bluetooth-enabled devices, allowing users to effortlessly stream audio directly to their hearing aids. This feature not only facilitates clear and direct communication but also enables users to enjoy music, podcasts, and phone calls with exceptional clarity and convenience.

Additionally, the integration of wireless accessories further expands the connectivity capabilities of ReSound Omnia, providing users with the flexibility to connect to televisions, computers, and other audio sources. The seamless integration of these devices ensures that users can fully engage in various activities while benefiting from superior sound quality and effortless communication.

User-friendly design and comfort

Beyond the technological advancements, ReSound Omnia hearing aids prioritize user comfort and ease of use. The ergonomic design and discreet form factor of these devices ensure a comfortable fit, allowing users to wear them throughout the day without discomfort or inconvenience. The focus on user experience extends to intuitive controls and functionality, enabling effortless adjustment of settings and modes to adapt to changing listening environments.

Furthermore, the long-lasting battery life and rechargeable options offered by ReSound Omnia contribute to the overall convenience and satisfaction of users. The seamless integration of these features into the design of the hearing aids reflects ReSound's commitment to providing a user-friendly and hassle-free experience, ultimately enhancing the daily lives of individuals with hearing loss.

A man from behind wearing a hearing aid
How to clean your ReSound Omnia hearing aid?

Watch the video for a quick demonstration of how to clean your ReSound Omnia hearing aids.

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