Waterproof hearing aids types & features

A man swimming in a pool

In recent years, waterproof hearing aids have become increasingly popular, providing a solution for individuals with hearing loss who want to participate in water activities. These devices are designed to be fully submersible in water, allowing users to swim, shower, and engage in other water-related activities without worrying about damaging their hearing aids.

What are waterproof hearing aids?

Waterproof hearing aids use the same basic technology as traditional hearing aids, with the added benefit of being able to withstand exposure to water. They have a microphone, amplifier, and speaker that amplify sound and improve the user's ability to hear.

However, waterproof hearing aids are constructed differently from traditional hearing aids. They are made with special materials that are resistant to water, such as silicone or plastic, and are sealed to prevent water from entering the device. This allows the user to wear the hearing aid while swimming or showering without worrying about water damage.

Benefits of waterproof hearing aids

Hearing aids are essential tools for individuals with hearing loss, and the benefits of waterproof hearing aids cannot be overstated. These devices are designed to withstand exposure to moisture and sweat, which can cause significant damage to traditional hearing aids. 

Increased protection from moisture and sweat

One of the primary benefits of waterproof hearing aids is their increased durability and protection from moisture and sweat. Traditional hearing aids are highly susceptible to damage from exposure to moisture, which can cause corrosion and other types of damage to the delicate electronic components of the device.

Waterproof hearing aids, on the other hand, are designed to withstand exposure to moisture and sweat, making them much more durable and reliable over time.

Improved performance in wet environments

Another significant benefit of waterproof hearing aids is their improved performance in wet environments. For individuals who enjoy swimming, showering, or participating in other water-based activities, traditional hearing aids can be a significant hindrance. Waterproof hearing aids, however, are specifically designed to perform well in wet environments, allowing individuals to enjoy their favorite activities without worrying about damaging their hearing aids.

Extended lifespan of hearing aids

Water damage is one of the most common causes of hearing aid failure, and it can be a significant expense to replace a damaged device. Waterproof hearing aids, however, are designed to protect against water damage, which can significantly extend the lifespan of the device. This not only saves individuals money but also reduces the environmental impact of discarded hearing aids.

Enhanced quality of life

Perhaps the most significant benefit of waterproof hearing aids is the enhanced quality of life they provide for individuals with hearing loss. With traditional hearing aids, individuals may need to remove their devices before participating in water-based activities, which can be isolating and frustrating.

Waterproof hearing aids, however, allow individuals to fully participate in all aspects of life, including water-based activities, without worrying about damaging their devices.

Waterproof hearing aids types

When it comes to waterproof hearing aids, individuals have a variety of options to choose from. It is important to carefully consider each type and its unique benefits and features before making a decision. Working with a qualified audiologist can help ensure that the chosen device is best suited for the individual's needs. Here are the most common types:

1. CIC (completely in the canal): is probably the most popular type of waterproof hearing. These devices are discreet and offer high sound quality. It is custom fit to the individual's ear canal, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit.

2. ITC (in the canal): offers a balance of discretion and functionality. Like the CIC hearing aid, the ITC hearing aid is custom fit to the individual's ear canal, but it is slightly larger and offers more features.

Profile of an elderly man with a black background
3. ITE (in the ear)

It is the best choice for individuals who prefer slightly larger hearing aids. They are easy to handle and offer a range of features, including volume control and directional microphones.

Discover ITE hearing aids

4. BTE (behind the ear): are another popular option. These devices are versatile and offer a range of options for different levels of hearing loss. 

5. RIC (receiver in canal): this type of hearing aid is similar to the BTE hearing aid, but the speaker is located in the ear canal instead of behind the ear.

6. BAHA (bone anchored hearing aid): is surgically implanted and uses bone conduction to transmit sound to the inner ear.


How to choose waterproof hearing aids

When it comes to selecting waterproof hearing aids, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you make the best decision for your needs. In this section, we will explore the most important factors to consider when selecting waterproof hearing aids.

Level of water resistance

The level of water resistance needed for your hearing aids will depend on your lifestyle and activities. If you are someone who enjoys swimming or other water activities, you will need a hearing aid that is fully waterproof. On the other hand, if you are someone who is simply looking for a hearing aid that can withstand a little bit of moisture from sweat or rain, a water-resistant hearing aid may be sufficient.

It is important to note that not all waterproof hearing aids are created equal. Some may be able to withstand being submerged in water for extended periods of time, while others may only be able to handle splashes of water. Make sure to carefully review the specifications of any hearing aids you are considering to ensure that they will meet your needs.

Comfort and fit

Another important factor to consider when choosing waterproof hearing aids is the comfort and fit of the device. It is important to select a hearing aid that fits comfortably in your ear and does not cause any discomfort or irritation, especially if you plan to wear the device for extended periods of time.

When selecting a waterproof hearing aid, it is also important to consider the type of earpiece that is used. Some devices may come with a standard earpiece, while others may offer custom-molded earpieces that are designed to fit your ear perfectly. Custom-molded earpieces can provide a more comfortable and secure fit, which can be especially important when engaging in water activities.

Battery life and charging options

The battery life and charging options of your waterproof hearing aid are also important factors to consider. Make sure to select a device that has a long battery life and offers convenient charging options, such as a charging case or USB charging.

It is also important to consider the type of battery used in the hearing aid. Some devices may use rechargeable batteries, while others may use disposable batteries. Rechargeable batteries can be more convenient and cost-effective in the long run, but may not provide as much power as disposable batteries.

Cost and insurance coverage

Finally, the cost and insurance coverage of your waterproof hearing aid should also be taken into consideration. Make sure to select a device that fits within your budget and offers the features and functionality that you need.

If you have insurance coverage for hearing aids, check with your provider to see if waterproof hearing aids are covered under your plan. Some insurance plans may cover the cost of waterproof hearing aids, while others may require you to pay out of pocket.

Maintenance and care of waterproof hearing aids

Waterproof hearing aids are a valuable investment for individuals who lead an active lifestyle or live in humid or wet environments. However, to ensure that these devices continue to function optimally, proper maintenance and care are essential

Cleaning and drying techniques

One of the most important aspects of maintaining waterproof hearing aids is regular cleaning and drying. Moisture can damage the internal components of the device, leading to malfunction or reduced performance. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and dry the hearing aids after each use.

To clean the device, use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris. Avoid using water or cleaning solutions, as they can damage the device's internal components. For more stubborn dirt or wax buildup, use a soft-bristled brush or a wax removal tool recommended by the manufacturer.

After cleaning, it is essential to dry the hearing aids thoroughly before storage. Use a drying kit or a dehumidifier recommended by the manufacturer to remove any moisture from the device. Avoid using hairdryers or other heat sources, as they can damage the device's internal components.

Proper storage

Proper storage is also crucial for maintaining the longevity of waterproof hearing aids. Store the device in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Avoid storing the device in a humid environment, such as a bathroom or near a swimming pool.

When not in use, remove the batteries from the device and store them separately. This will prevent corrosion or damage to the device's battery compartment.

Regular maintenance and check-ups

Regular maintenance and check-ups with an audiologist or hearing aid specialist are essential for ensuring the device's optimal performance. Schedule regular appointments with a professional to have the device cleaned, checked for any damage, and adjusted as necessary.

During these appointments, the audiologist or specialist can also provide guidance on proper cleaning and maintenance techniques specific to the device.

Troubleshooting common issues

Despite proper maintenance and care, waterproof hearing aids may experience common issues such as feedback or sound distortion. In such cases, it is essential to troubleshoot the problem before seeking professional help.

If the device produces feedback, check if the ear mold or dome is inserted correctly and fits snugly. If the problem persists, adjust the volume or contact the audiologist or specialist for further assistance.

If the device produces sound distortion, check if the battery is low or if there is any blockage in the ear mold or dome. If the problem persists, contact the audiologist or specialist for further assistance.

Best waterproof hearing aids

When it comes to waterproof hearing aids, there are several top brands and models that stand out in terms of their advanced features, performance, and durability. These devices are designed to provide a seamless hearing experience, even in wet and humid conditions, making them ideal for individuals who enjoy swimming, and water sports, or simply want to protect their hearing aids from moisture damage.

Profile of a woman smiling and wearing a hearing aid
1. Oticon Opn S

Top-performing waterproof hearing aid that offers a 360-degree sound experience and a rechargeable battery. Provides a natural and immersive sound experience. It features a long-lasting battery that prrovides up to 24 hours of use.

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2. Phonak Paradise


Phonak Paradise is one of the top brands in this category, offering advanced noise reduction and speech enhancement technology. This device provides a clear and natural sound experience, even in challenging listening environments.

It features a rechargeable battery that provides up to 16 hours of continuous use, making it a convenient and reliable option for active individuals.

3. ReSound ONE


ReSound ONE is another popular choice, offering a personalized hearing experience and a rechargeable battery. This device uses advanced artificial intelligence to analyze your unique hearing profile and adjust the sound settings accordingly.

Its sleek and discreet design is both comfortable and easy to wear.

Hands of an audiologist fitting hearing aids on a patient with glasses
4. Starkey Livio Edge AI

Top-of-the-line hearing aid that offers advanced artificial intelligence and a long-lasting rechargeable battery (up to 20 hours). Provides a personalized experience, using advanced sensors and algorithms to analyze the listening environment.

Discover Starkey Livio Edge

Overall, these top brands and models of waterproof hearing aids offer a range of advanced features and technologies that make them ideal for individuals who want to protect their hearing and enjoy a seamless listening experience, even in wet and humid conditions.

Whether you prefer a natural sound experience, advanced artificial intelligence, or a sleek and discreet design, there is a waterproof hearing aid that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

How to protect hearing aids from water damage

Hearing aids are intricate devices that require meticulous attention and maintenance to function optimally. One of the most significant challenges for hearing aid users is safeguarding their devices from water damage. Fortunately, several technologies and materials can make hearing aids waterproof or water-resistant.

Waterproof coatings and seals

One of the most common ways to protect hearing aids from water damage is by using waterproof coatings and seals. These coatings and seals create a barrier between the hearing aid and water, typically made from silicone or other materials. They are applied to the surface of the hearing aid and can help prevent water from seeping into the device and causing damage.

Water-resistant materials

Another approach to waterproofing hearing aids is through the use of water-resistant materials. These materials are designed to repel or block water from entering the hearing aid. Some common water-resistant materials used in hearing aids include plastic, rubber, and specific types of metals.

Nano-coating technology

In recent years, nano-coating technology has emerged as a promising solution for waterproofing hearing aids. Nano-coatings are ultra-thin layers of material that use nanotechnology to create a barrier that repels water and moisture. This technology has been shown to be highly effective in preventing water damage to hearing aids.

Moisture-wicking materials

Finally, moisture-wicking materials are another important tool for protecting hearing aids from water damage. These materials are designed to absorb moisture and prevent it from accumulating inside the hearing aid. This can help prevent corrosion and other types of damage that can be caused by moisture.
An audiologist fitting hearing aids on a client
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The future of waterproof hearing aids

The hearing aid industry is abuzz with the topic of waterproof hearing aids and their future. With advancements in technology and materials, it is expected that the water resistance and durability of hearing aids will improve significantly in the coming years.

One of the key areas of focus for hearing aid manufacturers is the development of new materials that can withstand exposure to water and other environmental factors. Nanotechnology is being explored by some manufacturers to create coatings that are highly resistant to water and other liquids. Other companies are experimenting with new types of plastics and polymers that are more durable and resistant to wear and tear.

With more people becoming aware of the benefits of waterproof hearing aids, there is potential for increased adoption in the hearing aid industry. This could lead to a shift in consumer preferences, with more people opting for waterproof hearing aids over traditional models.

The impact of waterproof hearing aids on the overall hearing aid market is an important consideration. While it is difficult to predict the exact impact, it is likely that the availability of waterproof hearing aids will lead to increased competition within the industry. This could result in lower prices for consumers, as well as more innovation and product development.

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