After purchase services

Hearing aid repairs & other service

You could have the Rolls Royce of hearing aids, but without proper programming or maintenance, your state-of-art device could end up sitting in a drawer, kind of like a long-neglected luxury automobile sits idle in a garage. You certainly don’t want that to happen after making such a worthy investment in your hearing health.

A terrific piece of advice from veteran hearing aid users is to be patient and focus on incremental improvements. Everyone’s learning curve is different, so it may take anywhere from several weeks to a few months before you’re completely comfortable with your new hearing aid(s). Research shows experienced hearing aid users are more likely to be satisfied with their device than new users, which isn’t surprising.

Tips to get the most out of your hearing aids

  • Prepare a list of questions and concerns ahead of your first fitting, jot down the answers, and keep them in a handy place
  • Prior to your purchase, ask if follow-up visits (and how many) are included in the cost of your hearing aids
  • Make sure you understand how to use your hearing aids during your fitting, including basic functions, changing batteries, and maintenance
  • Store your hearing aid manual in an easy-to-remember place, because it’s likely you’ll need to consult it from time to time
  • Start slowly by wearing your hearing aid(s) a few hours a day
  • Write down any bothersome situations to discuss on your next visit (e.g. struggling to hear conversations in restaurants or a running refrigerator that sounds far too loud) 

Common hearing aid issues

Issues with hearing aids can result in users not wearing them, thereby defeating their purpose. A study analyzing non-use in hearing aid owners revealed common issues. The top two self-reported problems were inadequate speech clarity and less than ideal fit/comfort. Other reported issues included:

  • Poor sound quality
  • Problems with insertion and removal
  • Needed help to change batteries
  • Manual dexterity challenges
  • Difficulty adjusting volume controls
  • Not working properly/broken
  • Device required service
  • Too short a battery life
  • Caused voice to sound funny

Additional studies have found that working with a hearing care professional on practical topics such as hearing aid insertion and removal, hearing aid functions, and maintenance were key to improving new hearing aid users’ experiences. This research suggests that support and counseling may be more important than expensive modern technology in terms of increasing hearing aid satisfaction and use.

DIY hearing aid care

A frequent problem not mentioned above is buildup of excessive earwax. If earwax gets trapped in the small ports of your hearing aid device, this can result in the hearing aids not working properly. A little bit of TLC can help ensure optimal performance of your hearing aids and increase your satisfaction.

  • Be careful when cleaning your ears : Ears are supposed to have wax. Never use a cotton swab because this can cause earwax to become impacted or damage your eardrum. To remove any visible dirt or wax, gently clean your outer ear with a washcloth daily. Make sure the washcloth isn’t too wet because you also don’t want excess water in your ears.
  • Frequent cleaning: Check for dirt, grime, or earwax buildup. If you have behind-the-ear hearing aids, you can clean the ear molds with mild soap. Never use a hair dryer to dry ear molds because it’s too strong and can cause damage. Before putting ear molds back on your hearing aids, make sure they’re dry.
  • Check batteries: Don’t wait until your batteries are dead to change them, because this could happen at an inopportune moment (e.g. at a concert or outing with friends). Most hearing aids now have low battery indicators, and some even have a voice that will let you know when the batteries are low. Most styles also can be synced to a smart phone app that will allow you to easily monitor your battery life.
  • Keep hearing aids dry: At night, open the battery compartment to allow your hearing aids to air out. An inexpensive hearing aid dehumidifier can help keep moisture to a minimum and may prolong hearing aid life.

Hearing aid filters maintenance

Hearing aid filters are essential components that play a crucial role in maintaining the performance and longevity of hearing aids. These small, often replaceable parts prevent earwax, dust, and other debris from entering and damaging the delicate internal mechanisms of the device. By blocking unwanted particles, hearing aid filters ensure that the sound remains clear and undistorted, providing users with optimal auditory experiences. Regularly changing these filters, typically every 2 to 4 weeks, helps maintain sound quality and device functionality, making them a key aspect of hearing aid maintenance.

How often should you get hearing aids checked?

If you’re a novice user, several follow-up visits to your hearing aid center may be required to make necessary adjustments. An annual visit is recommended for a thorough cleaning, however, more frequent visits may be needed if you produce excessive earwax. If you experience any of the following issues, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

  • A perceived decrease in hearing or permanent decrease in hearing
  • Excessive feedback or whistling (possible sign of an improper fit or excessive earwax buildup)
  • An irreversibly damaged hearing aid (e.g. cracked case or visible holes anywhere on the shell or faceplate

Contact an hearing aid professional

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Just like you rely on your favorite mechanic to keep your car engine running smoothly, establishing and maintaining a good relationship with a highly-rated licensed hearing care professional is key to keeping your hearing aids in optimal working condition. 

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