Bulk billed or free hearing tests for children and kids

Grandfather hugging his granddaughter

Why are important hearing tests for children?

Hearing tests for children are crucial in identifying any hearing problems early in their development. While serious hearing issues in childhood are rare, early testing ensures prompt detection and management. Timely intervention can significantly impact a child's speech and language development, social skills, and education.

At what age is hearing tested in Australian children?

It's important to note that hearing assessments can be conducted at any age if parents have concerns about their child's hearing. Parents are encouraged to reach out to a GP or health visitor if they suspect any hearing issues in their child.

In Australia, hearing tests for children are administered at various stages of their development

Newborn hearing screening

This initial test is typically conducted within a few weeks of birth. It's a routine procedure that ensures all babies, including those born at home, receive hearing assessments.

Ages 9 months to 2.5 years

During regular health and development reviews, parents may be asked about any concerns regarding their child's hearing. If necessary, hearing tests can be arranged.

Around 4 or 5 years old

Some children may undergo hearing tests when they start school, either at the school itself or at an audiology department, depending on their location.

Where to get children's hearing tested?

Doctor with stethoscope

Parents often wonder where they can take their children for hearing tests. Some opt for well-known providers like Specsavers, which offer hearing assessments for children. It's essential to explore local healthcare facilities, clinics, and audiologists who specialize in paediatric hearing assessments to ensure your child receives the necessary care.

What hearing tests are available for babies and children?

Hearing tests for babies and children encompass various methods tailored to their age and developmental stage. These tests are crucial for identifying and addressing hearing issues in children, ensuring they receive the appropriate support and treatment. These tests include:

Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (EOAE)

One of the cornerstone assessments in paediatric audiology is the Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (EOAE) test. This non-invasive procedure involves the placement of a minute, pliable plug within the baby's ear canal. EOAE meticulously measures the auditory system's responses to sounds, offering invaluable insights into the functionality of the child's inner ear. This test is primarily administered to newborns and infants, serving as a painless yet profoundly informative tool in the audiologist's arsenal.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

For infants, the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test takes centre stage. In this examination, electrodes are strategically affixed to the baby's scalp, facilitating the measurement of the brain's neurological responses to auditory stimuli. Utilizing clicks and tones delivered through earphones, the ABR test unveils the intricacies of the brain's reaction to sound. It plays a pivotal role in identifying auditory irregularities, making it an invaluable diagnostic tool for our youngest patients.

Play Audiometry

Catering to the age group of children between 1.5 and 5 years, Play Audiometry emerges as a captivating and interactive hearing evaluation. This test transcends conventional methods by incorporating engaging tasks, such as encouraging children to place a ball in a receptacle when they detect a specific sound. Through this dynamic approach, audiologists gauge a child's responsiveness to auditory cues while making the examination process enjoyable and engaging.

Pure Tone Audiometry

As children progress through their school-age years, Pure Tone Audiometry steps into the spotlight as a pivotal evaluation tool. This comprehensive assessment method revolves around the presentation of sounds at varying volumes and frequencies, delivered through headphones. By systematically varying the acoustic stimuli, this test unveils the intricacies of a child's hearing acuity and sensitivity. It serves as a fundamental assessment for school-age children, offering vital data for clinical decision-making.


Tympanometry takes centre stage in understanding the mechanics of the middle ear. This assessment focuses on the flexibility and responsiveness of the eardrum, providing invaluable insights into middle ear function. In the intricate tapestry of paediatric hearing assessments, Tympanometry plays a crucial role in comprehending the holistic auditory health of children.

Causes of hearing loss in children

There are various factors that can lead to hearing problems in children, including temporary hearing loss due to common illnesses like a cold. Some potential reasons for hearing impairment that might be identified during routine examinations include:

  • Glue ear, characterized by fluid accumulation in the middle ear, common in young children.
  • Infections contracted during pregnancy or at birth, such as rubella (German measles) or cytomegalovirus, which can result in progressive hearing loss.
  • Hereditary conditions that disrupt normal ear or nerve function.
  • Damage to the cochlea or auditory nerves responsible for transmitting hearing signals to the brain, which can occur due to severe head injuries, exposure to loud noise, or head surgeries.
  • Oxygen deprivation during birth (birth asphyxia).
  • Illnesses like meningitis and encephalitis, involving brain swelling.
A woman with a yellow shirt perfoming a hearing test
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How long does a hearing test take?

A hearing test for a child typically takes between 20 to 40 minutes to complete. The duration can vary depending on the age and developmental stage of the child, as well as the specific tests and assessments conducted during the appointment. The process involves various steps, including health-related inquiries, ear examination, automatic testing, interactive games, and evaluations to gauge the child's response to sounds.

  • For infants aged birth to six months, an automatic test is performed while they are asleep.
  • For older children, the audiologist engages them in games and activities that involve reacting to sounds, using techniques like toys, light-up objects, headphones, or small headbands. The aim is to ensure accurate results while making the experience as comfortable and engaging as possible for the child.

How much does a hearing test cost in Australia?

The cost of a hearing test in Australia can vary depending on several factors. Generally, you can expect to pay between $100 to $180 for a comprehensive hearing test. However, the actual cost may differ based on your location, the type of test you require, and whether you are eligible for any rebates or subsidies.

In some cases, individuals may qualify for a free hearing assessment through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (HSP).

Identifying signs of hearing loss

While routine hearing tests are offered as children grow, it's crucial for parents to be vigilant for signs of potential hearing problems and seek advice if any concerns arise.

For infants, the checklist in their personal child health record (red book) can assist parents in monitoring their child's hearing development.

In older children, signs of possible hearing problems may include:

  • Lack of focus or poor concentration
  • Not responding when called by their name
  • Speaking loudly and listening to the television at high volumes
  • Difficulty determining the source of sounds
  • Mispronouncing words
  • A decline in academic performance

If you have concerns about your child's hearing, consult a GP or health visitor.

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Children's hearing test online

In today's digital age, convenience and accessibility are paramount. That's why online children's hearing tests are gaining popularity. These tests offer parents the flexibility to assess their child's hearing from the comfort of their own homes. Online platforms provide a user-friendly interface to conduct these assessments, making it convenient for parents to monitor their child's auditory health.

Free children's hearing test

Access to affordable healthcare is a concern for many parents. Fortunately, free hearing tests for kids are available, ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent children from receiving essential screenings. These tests are often offered in various healthcare settings, and parents can inquire about bulk-billed options or free hearing tests for kids in their local area.

How to test baby hearing at home?


Testing a baby's hearing at home can be a concern for parents. If your baby has failed a hearing test or if you suspect hearing issues, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional. Sometimes, a baby may pass a hearing test but still not respond to sounds as expected. In such cases, it's crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare provider to determine the underlying causes and potential solutions.

Newborn hearing test

Newborn hearing tests are vital to identify any hearing issues early in a child's life. While most newborns undergo hearing screening tests before leaving the hospital, it's important to be aware of the results. If a newborn hearing test indicates a potential issue, further assessments and interventions may be required.

Tinnitus and hearing test

Tinnitus, a condition characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears, can impact the results of a hearing test.  it creates a challenge in distinguishing between the phantom sounds of tinnitus and the test tones utilized to assess hearing. This can result in potentially inaccurate test outcomes, which may lead to misdiagnosis and improper treatment of hearing loss.

It's essential to inform healthcare professionals about any tinnitus symptoms, as they can affect the accuracy of the assessment. Additionally, hearing tests can help diagnose tinnitus and determine its impact on an individual's hearing.

Pimples on the ear cartilage

Pimples on the ear cartilage can be attributed to factors like sweat, dirt, and bacteria accumulating in the creases of the ear cartilage. The use of over-ear headphones can exacerbate this issue by allowing air to trap bacteria, which can then spread to the ear cartilage. Additionally, infected earrings or piercings may lead to pimples on the ear cartilage. Proper hygiene, avoiding prolonged headphone use, and ensuring clean piercings are essential for prevention.

A woman from behind taking a hearing test
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Blackheads vs pimples

Blackheads and pimples are both common skin issues, but they have distinct characteristics:

  • Blackheads are typically smaller and result from sebum and dead skin cells blocking pores and coming into contact with air, leading to their dark appearance.
  • Pimples, on the other hand, are often larger, inflamed bumps that can be caused by various factors, including bacterial infections.

Ear boils vs pimples

Ear boils and pimples can both appear as red bumps on the skin, but they have different characteristics:

  • Boils are typically larger and more painful, often accompanied by pus drainage and fever.
  • Pimples, on the other hand, are smaller and result from clogged pores. Boils are usually caused by bacterial infections.

How to stop ear pimples

Preventing ear pimples involves maintaining good ear hygiene. Regularly clean your ears, avoid inserting foreign objects, and ensure that items like headphones and hearing devices are kept clean. Here are some effective prevention practices that can help reduce the risk of ear pimples:

  • Hand hygiene: Regularly wash your hands, as they frequently come into contact with your ears and can introduce dirt and bacteria.
  • Daily ear cleaning: Clean your ears daily using lukewarm water and a washcloth. Gently wipe the auricle to remove earwax and dead skin cells.
  • Proper post-shower care: After showering, ensure your ears are clean and dry, avoiding pushing earwax deeper into the ear canal.
  • Sanitizing personal items: Regularly sanitize items that come into contact with your ears, such as your phone, hats, or hearing aids.
  • Hygiene routine: Establish a personal hygiene routine with dermatologist-recommended detergents.
  • Clean hair: Maintain clean hair to prevent bacterial accumulation around the ears.
  • Healthy diet: Avoid junk food and maintain a healthy diet, as dietary choices can impact pimple formation.

By following these precautions, you can reduce the likelihood of ear pimples and blackheads.

FAQs about hearing tests for children

1. Are hearing tests bulk billed?

Many hearing tests for children in Australia are bulk billed, ensuring that families have access to these essential healthcare services without incurring significant costs.

2. Are hearing tests mandatory?

Hearing tests for children are not always mandatory, but they are strongly recommended as a routine part of newborn and child healthcare. Early detection and intervention can have a profound impact on a child's development.

3. Are hearing tests accurate?

Hearing tests for children are generally accurate in assessing hearing abilities. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the child's age, cooperation, and the specific test conducted. It's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals for the most reliable assessment.

4. Can a hearing test detect a tumour?

While hearing tests primarily assess hearing abilities, they may sometimes reveal abnormalities that require further investigation. In some cases, hearing tests can indirectly lead to the detection of tumourss or other medical conditions.

5. Can hearing tests damage your ears?

Hearing tests are designed to be safe and non-invasive, posing no risk of ear damage. These tests are essential for identifying potential hearing issues and should not be a cause for concern regarding ear health.
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